The Decker Library at MICA has on display, "D.I.Y.: Design it Yourself": a book created by 17 students of Ellen Lupton, director of MICA's graphic design master of fine arts program. They have plastered a wall with the pages in numerical order. It's a great visual aid for our compare and contrast project. It shows the way page numbers are used, the departmental listings as well as a great demonstration of grids but on a large scale. It is a must see!!! The idea is that we can have a voice in todays mass produced world; by using the ideals of commercialism as a platform for the individual we can place our own logo on a coffee cup, on a t-shirt, yell at the top of our lungs about who we are and what surrounds us. We don't just have to pick and choose what is in front of us, we can create it!!! Sounds refreshing, Right? You can also leave a little message on the furniture at the Decker with colored sharpies. Another great idea from those wonderfully creative artists from the other side of the tracks.
February 24, 2006
"D.I.Y.: Do It Yourself" from MICA
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