I have been thinking about ambition lately. Do I have any? What is confidence and is it the most important thing in the room? Does it give you the charm and charisma needed to network effectively? Does speaking louder make you more official? Does it make you right? Loud talkers need to go. Period. That is the most annoying thing on the planet. Just because you are speaking louder than anyone in the room does not mean that you are right or interesting or worthy of the attention you are garnering...But ambition is so interesting. I always think of Lady Macbeth and the ambition she had for her husband and for herself. Not exactly the positive aspect of ambition I have been thinking about.
Let me explain.
I saw the Annapolis Symphony over the weekend. Rachel Lee, a seventeen year old violinist who studies with Itzhak Perlman at the Pre-College division of the Julliard School played Symphony Espagnole by Edouard Lalo. Five movements of memorized music. I can't even remember my grocery list. She was so impressive I cannot even tell you. Cool as a cucumber and talented to boot. I wondered if at 17 she feels the pressure, or is she so young and ambitious that she feels like; "well of course i am soloing with the Annapolis Symphony. i worked hard for this and I deserve it," ; the question of confidence and the ambition that backs it up. Fact. Confident people succeed. But with it a little humility too. I hope. Rachel Lee was amazing, standing ovation and all. I applaud her and admire her.
March 28, 2006
Confidence and Ambition
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