Back when I thought I would have to take the GRE to get into grad school I bought a test preparation book. Upon opening it, I realized that I should have taken accelerated English in highschool. I was dumbfounded, nonplussed really, and began to freak out. So I devised a plan. I made flashcards like a dork. Hey it got me through highschool and my undergrad, I hoped it would work again. 500 flashcards later, I found out that I didn't have to put myself through the horror of figuring out how to handle analogies and I could bury my flashcards. The stack of words I didn't know and probably would never be able to use sat by my bed, taunting me, "You're not as smart as you think you are." Well that's true anyway but I kept the cards and divided them into piles of twenty. I take them with me wherever I go. I flip through them at night before bed, at Jiffy Lube while waiting for an oil change, or stuck in downtown traffic. It's pretty amazing how much down time a person could have. Anyway some of my favorites are:
apogee~ highest point
arroyo~ gully
soporific~ sleep causing
apostate~someone who abandons their religious or political beliefs
beguile~ mislead, dilude: cheat, pass time
canto~ division of a long poem
sententious~ terse, concise
argot~ slang
choleric~ hot -tempered
apropos~ with reference to : regarding
acidulous~ slightly sour, sharp, caustic
March 7, 2006
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