To classify something is to put it neatly in its own little box; to compartmentalize. I have gotten in trouble for this before. It's also called assuming something is so when there are exceptions to every rule. I know we are talking about toys, desserts and relatives but with relatives it's probably best not to let them read this one. The honesty that comes through when telling a stanger all the wonderful details of your families craziness is much easier than confronting your family about their own craziness.
I am dry, as dry as the desert. Seriously, I have no ideas flowing. Usually, when an assignment is given I have an idea or two. I jot down a few notes. This time?-- Nothing. Nothing at all. No hint of an idea. That and I can't write anymore because, I can't think anymore either.
I need the beach and a trashy novel.
I just want to bake in the sun all day long-- throw caution to the wind, and think again without having to feel like i have to be clever.
April 26, 2006
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