I realize that some projects come more quickly than others. This cause and effect is killing me. I also realize that yet again I have placed myself in a completely subjective field where I am at the mercy of another persons idea of what is right and wrong, good or bad, successful or not and well this time around I am over it. I don't mean that in a bad way. I mean it as in: it's ONE opinion. At the end of the day if I can say that I gave it my all well than i should sleep like a baby every night knowing that I have done my best and that my best sometimes doesn't translate into an "A". hey that's the nature of the biz.
I had a teacher in highschool who would write on the board, "you are not your grades"--Mr. Moore where are you now?
At least someone isn't standing over me telling i'm fat, that my neck isn't long enough, that my torso is too long or we're looking for a red head and you bobbled on your triple pirouette. Sweet, thanks buddy, not only did I pay to come out here and audition for you but apparently I paid twenty bucks to take a class which you cut me from early, i lost one of my glossy headshots to you in the process and now your insulting me? My new motto is to just get over it. If Donald Trump quit everytime he heard No, would he be a billion dollar real estate mogul in charge of the Miss USA pageant? I don't think so.
April 17, 2006
Holy %#@? (Antecedent, Expletive, Natalie's Definition for our Word Project)
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