D.C. is sometimes the coolest and strangest place on Earth. Friday night Jon and I went to the Rhino Bar in Georgetown. It's a Red Sox bar and Jon is a maniac about the Sox, which has no bearing on my story but if you like the SOX this is the place to be.
While we were there some radio station personality, "Elliot In The Morning" was giving away a trip to Colorado for one lucky person. He announces the name and everyone at my table looks at me and starts pointing like "Hey, hey!! Here she is." Well my name isn't Sherry Willis and I was mortified. They thought I would get away with it or something. My friends wouldn't let it go and "Elliot In The Morning Guy" thought i was Sherry and then he called my a Lisa Loeb look alike which I was laughing hysterically at. It must be the glasses.
But only in DC and specifically Georgetown could a group of people, who prior to this point had been discussing genocide-, i.e. the situations in Darfur and Rwanda with Madeleine Albright's teaching assistant for her Senior Foreign Policy class at Georgetown, switch to: "Hey that Lisa Loeb look alike is really Sherry Willis who just won a trip to Colorado but doesn't seem too excited about it, because she really isn't Ms. Willis but her friends are nut balls and won't leave it alone. Did I mention 3$ pitchers were flowing. That could have something to do with it too.
April 17, 2006
Lisa Loeb Look Alike
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